- 2014/12/29
The CD version of the September 2014 edition of the Credit Inquiry Manual is issued to the JCIC’s member institutions today.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/12/25
The JCIC’s new product “C01 Credit Line and Usage Information for Over-The-Counter Derivatives” is released online today.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/12/22
The 2014 Golden Security Awards and Golden Quality Awards are presented at a ceremony today. FSC Chairman Ming-chung Tseng, Bankers Association Chairperson Jih-chu Lee, COA Deputy Minister Cheng-teng Wang, and BOAF Director-General Wei-wen Hsu are invited to present the awards.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/12/15
The JCIC receives the Data Privacy Protection Mark (dp.mark) from the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/11/27
Dual-currency credit card products K21, K33, and K34 are released online today.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/11/27
The JCIC’s Taiwan Personal Information Protection and Administration System (TPIPAS) is approved.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/11/01
The revised edition of JCIC products “J20 JCIC corporate scores – without information on owners” and “J21 JCIC corporate scores – including information on owners” are released online today.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/10/29
The JCIC achieves a perfect mark for the first time in the Depth of Credit Information Index of the 2015 Doing Business report released by the World Bank today. Among the 189 economies compared, the JCIC ties for first place with other 22 economies, and in Asia only Taiwan and South Korea get a full mark, ahead of Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and other Asian countries and the OECD countries.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/10/08
The credit department of the Guanyin Township Farmers’Association of Taoyuan County is accepted as a JCIC member and, as a result, the number of the JCIC’s institutional members increases to 430.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/10/01
JCIC participates in the 2014 Financial Services and Care for Society Fair held by TFSR and the New Taipei City government today, which is a great success.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/09/30
Two new products, “M60&M61 Summary of Mortgage Property Appraisals and Real Estate Transaction Information” and “N21 Corporate Finance of TWSE/GTSM Listed-Companies as Compared with The Industry─IFRSs Consolidated Financial Statements” , are released today.
Four Products, “G11 Long-term Equity Investment and Important Financial Information”, “Long-term Equity Investment and Outstanding Loan Information”, and “Long-term Equity Investment and Outstanding Loan Information - by Purpose of Loan”, are taken offline today.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/09/19
To coordinate with the release of dual-currency credit cards, the JCIC revised three credit information products, K21, K33, and K34. The revised products were reported to the Financial Supervisory Commission via Letter Jin-Zheng-Xin-Zi-No. 1030007045 on Sep 2, 2014, and approved via Letter Jin-Guan-Yin-Piao-Zi-No. 10300259180 on Sep 9, 2014. The changes are publicized by the JCIC via Letter Jin-Zheng-Xin-Zi-No. 1030007425 on Sep 19, 2014.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/09/09
Taiwan Rakuten Card, Inc. is accepted as a JCIC member and the membership will be confirmed retroactively at the 9th meeting of the 7th Board of Directors. As a result, the number of the JCIC’s institutional members increases to 429.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/08/20
Wanluan Township Farmers’Association of Pingtung County is accepted as a JCIC member and the membership will be confirmed retroactively at the 9th meeting of the 7th Board of Directors. As a result, the number of the JCIC’s institutional members increases to 428.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/07/28
The JCIC’s revised “Reporting Guidelines for Information on Credit Card Holders and Merchants” are approved today by the Financial Supervisory Commission via Letter Jin-Guan-Yin-Piao-Zi-No. 10300204060.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/07/21
Bank of Panhsin(BOP) merges the Ninth Credit Cooperative of Taipei today and as a result the number of JCIC’s members decreases to 427.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/07/12
JCIC promotes financial credit education, donates to social welfare institutions, and provides a lottery prize at the 2014 Financial Services & Care for Society Fair held by TFSR in Changhua today. JCIC Chairman Hu also participates in the event.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/06/20
Kaoshu Township Farmers’ Association of Pingtung County joins JCIC as a member.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/05/29
The JCIC official website (www.jcic.org.tw) is certified by the National Development Council as an A+ Handicap-free website.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/05/24
The JCIC recruits new staff at the 2014 Finance Career Expo in the NTU Sports Center.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/05/15
The new product “X05 Non-guaranteed Commercial Papers Historical Outstanding Information” is released today.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/04/30
The new product “N60 Nationwide Information on Movable Property-Secured Transactions” is released today.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/04/29
The JCIC’s revised “Guidelines for Processing Standard Credit Reports Submitted/Collected by Financial Lease Businesses on Behalf of Applicants” are approved today by the Financial Supervisory Commission via Letter Financial-Supervisory-Banking-Kuo-10300106250.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/04/25
The development of the JCIC’s new product “X05 Non-guaranteed Commercial Papers Historical Outstanding Information”, and the discontinuance of product “X04 Non-guaranteed Commercial Paper Outstanding Information” and paper reporting guidelines for non-guaranteed commercial paper are approved by the Financial Supervisory Commission via email today.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/04/25
New products “B25 Summarized Credit Information of All Industries” and “B26 Detailed Credit information of All Industries” are released today.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/04/15
New codes “F: The Stored Value Payment Account” for the category, and “F1: Warning Account” and “F2: Fraud Account” for the subcategory of the JCIC’s product Z21 “Fraud Cases and Supplemental / Notation Information” are added today.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/04/10
The SME financing service platform database, jointly established by the SMEA of the Ministry of Economic affairs and the JCIC, is successfully connected with the Taipei Water Department’s water billing information database, serving as the data source of T95 Business Water Usage and Payment Records.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/03/20
The JCIC assists the Financial Supervisory Commission to hold “The 16th Social Gathering of Financial Information Supervisors”.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/03/20
To assist member institutions with the pledged-stock business, the JCIC releases the new product “B73 Pledged-Stock Aggregation Information-by Bank” and the revised product “B71 Pledged-Stock Information of Public Companies” today. In the meantime, product “G25 Affiliated Person/Enterprise Transaction Information” is taken offline.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/03/18
The JCIC publishes the October 2013 edition of the Credit Inquiry Manual, in CD format for the first time.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/02/28
The JCIC releases the new product “T95 Water Usage and Payment Information” to members participating in the SME Financing Service Platform today.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/02/27
The JCIC sends the completed Doing Business 2015-Getting Credit email questionnaire to the World Bank today.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/02/27
The JCIC releases the new product “R04 Finance Leasing Information” today.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/02/25
Officials of the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration of the MOEA visit JCIC to audit the management of the letters of authorization and information security for the SME Financing Service Platform.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/02/10
To meet the needs of banks for managing the stored-value payment accounts, the JCIC’s “Guidelines for Reporting Information on Accounts with Suspicious or Unusual Transactions and Financial Fraud Cases” are approved today by the Financial Supervisory Commission.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/01/08
In compliance with the BAROC’s revised “Reporting Guidelines for Information on Illegal Behavior of Financial Institute Employees” and the NFCC’s revised “Reporting Guidelines for Information on Illegal Behavior of Credit Union Employees” as approved by the FSC, the JCIC provides its revised “Reporting Guidelines for Information on Illegal Behavior of Employees” to members today. The revision covers reporting subjects, disclosure periods, and cancellation rules. The inquiry item Z54 is also revised at the same time.Update Date:2015/10/19
- 2014/01/01
The additional credit information inquiry service for the consumer credit report is free of charge once a year and credit reports and debt negotiation reports for eight specific types of applicants are all free of charge now.Update Date:2015/10/19